Please read this week’s FAMILY BULLETIN for the latest updates. We hope to see you at our Winter Concert and hope the students enjoy the Candyland Dance this week. Thank you to everyone who donated to our Clothing Drive. Enjoy a restful and joyful Winter Break!
12/10 – 12/18: Sports Basement 20% Discount & Fundraiser [FLIER]
12/14: Winter Concert, 6:00PM, APG Auditorium
12/15: Last Day for Clothing Drive [FLIER]; Candyland Winter Dance
12/16: Last day of Fall Semester, Grading period ends
12/19 – 1/2: Winter Break, No School. See you back at School on 1/3/23!
1/2: Please use the school-provided COVID-19 Test Kits before returning to school
1/3: School Back in Session
1/4: Staff Breakfast [SIGN UP, many food items needed; note: this event is on a Wednesday]
1/11: PTSA General Meeting, 6:30pm, Zoom
1/16: MLK, Jr. Holiday, No School
1/23: Lunar New Year Holiday, No School
1/27: Picture Retake Day