Hello, APG Families! We have tons of info in this week’s FAMILY BULLETIN so please be sure to click here and read all 30 slides to stay informed. There is very important info about reporting absences, tardies, attendance, drop-off/pick-up safety, picture day, events, athletics games and tryouts, volunteers/donations needed, and more! Please take time to read the Bulletin and check out the summary of events below.
Have a great week, Jaguars!
8/29: Picture Day (Lifetouch; 3 Parent/caregiver Volunteers Needed); Basketball Teams Info Meeting
8/30: Family Workshop: Navigating 6th Grade Together (RSVP)
9/1: Staff Breakfast (Food/Coffee needed; SIGN UP HERE)
9/1-9/10: Growing up Green Fundraiser with Sloat Garden Center
9/4: Labor Day Holiday, No School
9/6: PTSA General Meeting, all are welcome
9/12: Basketball Tryouts begin
9/14: APG Back to School Night, 5:45-7:45PM (details coming soon)
*Note: All Wednesdays are early dismissal at 2:15pm. See printable BELL SCHEDULE
* Ongoing: SF Giants FUNdraiser, CLICK HERE; code: Gianni