Happy Wednesday, APG! We have only seventeen days of school left and quite an eventful calendar as we wrap up the school year. See dates below and take a moment to READ DETAILS IN OUR BULLETIN. We need many volunteers for our events; please look at the volunteer notes below and sign up to help if you can give an hour or more of your time to support our students. Note: 8th Grade families — stay tuned for details about our 5/26 lunchtime celebration, 8th G awards, yearbook + photo activity, and 8th G Promotion from Mr. Jang very soon. Have a great week, all!
5/10: Beginner Concert – Choir, Band & Orchestra, 6pm, Auditorium; FIlm Screening at 3:30pm in the Cafeteria; Final Flag Football Game
5/11: Athletics Awards Dinner, few Volunteers Needed [VOLUNTEER]
5/12: Beacon-hosted Staff Breakfast
5/17: Advanced Concert – Choir, Band & Orchestra, 6pm, Auditorium
5/18: Media Night, 6:30pm, Auditorium
5/21: Garden Work Day, 9am-2pm, many Volunteers Needed [EMAIL]
5/25: Lunchtime Celebration, SIX Volunteers Needed [EMAIL]
5/24 & 5/25: Dance Showcase, 6pm, Auditorium
5/26: BeaconFest
5/29: Memorial Day Holiday, No School
5/30 – 6/2: Garden Party Sessions at School, several Volunteers Needed [SIGN UP]
5/31: 8th Grade Promotion, 1pm, Lincoln HS, Football Field; FOUR Volunteers needed [EMAIL]
6/2: Last Day of School