3/13/23 Newsletter


Happy Monday! Quick reminder to please consider serving on our PTSA Board in 2023-24. Apply at our NOMINATION FORM and read about the ROLES by 3/24 if you’d like to make a difference at APG. Don’t miss the chance to join our PTSA Board ~ without our PTSA, we can’t support our students and staff next school year! Thanks so much for your time! 

Have you taken our APG SSC/PTSA Survey yet? Please take a few minutes to fill it out online today and by 3/15: SURVEY. Your response will help our School Site Council plan which programs/areas will get funded at APG in 2023-24. Thanks!

We’re excited about our Bike & Garden Day this Saturday, 3/18 and hope to see many of our families and staff at the event ~ RSVP or volunteer on the GOOGLE FORM. Stay tuned for info about our Raffle Ticket sales later this week. We’d love more items for our Staff Breakfast on 4/7; please SIGN UP HERE. Thank you!

Have you donated to our school yet? We hope EVERY APG FAMILY will contribute to our JAG FUND to help us reach our goal of $150,000 in support of our amazing public school. Did you get our NEW Jaguar gear designed by students? Purchase them online today! As always, you can check out the latest events on our CALENDAR! We also share regular updates on our WEBSITE, INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.  

OngoingDonate directly to the Jag Fund

3/15:  Survey for APG SSC/PTSA [SURVEY];  Flag Football Game, 4p, Vis Valley

3/16:  Track Team Meet, 4p, Lowell 

3/17:  Raffle begins! Over a dozen prizes;  Happy St. Patrick’s Day

3/18:  Bike & Garden Day, APG Yard & Garden, 9a-2p – RSVP and VOLUNTEER  [FORM]; District Choral Festival, 1p, Golden Gate Bandshell

3/23:  Family Social;  Drama Department Spring Plays [TICKETS]

3/24:  Last day for PTSA Board Nominations [FORM]

3/27 – 3/31:  Spring Break, No School

4/7:  Staff Breakfast, items needed [SIGN UP];  CMEA for Choir & Band

4/12:  PTSA General Meeting, 6:30p ~ Election, Straw Budget, Zoom

4/15:  Citywide Youth Arts Festival 

4/22:  Open House, parent & student VOLUNTEERS needed  [EMAIL]