10/11/22 Newsletter

Check out today’s *APG PTSA NEWSLETTER —> ENGLISH; ESPAÑOL; CHINESE * to read about upcoming events, learn how YOU can support our school, participate in events, and find volunteer opportunities that speak to you. We welcome every level of support for our wonderful school – together, we can make a big difference!

Join our GOOGLE GROUP to stay informed. Check out our CALENDAR for all events. Want the latest info, but don’t want to read emails? Visit our WEBSITEFACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM for quick updates and photos of events in our school community. 

1.  Our Jag Fund Donation Drive is live and awaiting your contribution – DONATE TODAY! Let’s work together to raise $150,000 for APG in support of our 1,200 students and 120+staff this year. Your contribution will help us continue providing important enrichment and supplies for our students & staff. Donate online today ~ it takes 2 minutes and every dollar goes directly to our school. Keep an eye out for more communication from our Fundraising VP, Celeste, very soon. Thank you for your generous support!

2.  See YOU at the Sunday 10/16 Garden Workday, 9a-2p. All families and staff are welcome to our first Garden Workday to help spruce up our wonderful garden space at school. No green thumb required, there are plenty of tasks for all who’re interested in helping out. Coffee and snack provided. Please SIGN UP and see the FLIER for details. Donations of succulents and soil are very welcome. Questions? Email Sara Brown: sbrown@nullbacr.org

3.  Our 8th Grade Sweatshirt Contest  AND  Schoolwide APG Design Contest are happening now.

—> 8th Graders, email Mr. Jang with your class hoodie design by this Friday, October 14th!!!

—> APG Design Contest, all grades; students Submit Designs Online by next Monday, October 17th!

Have a great week, Jaguars!