1/31/23 Newsletter

NEWSLETTER. BIG THANKS to all our amazing volunteers! Our school would not be the amazing community it is without time given by our parents/caregivers and students to help out across various areas and for many activities at APG! Please take a minute to log your volunteer hours on THIS FORM

Are you able to bring items for our Staff Breakfast on 2/1 or 3/1, 8:00-8:15am? Please SIGN UP HERE. Our Open House is coming up in April and we need many parents/students to help out to make the event a success ~ EMAIL US today if you can volunteer. Our school bikes are in need of tuneups/repair → can you spare an hour or two to help in February or March? EMAIL US and we’ll share details about our bikes. 

We would love donations of Raffle Prizes – EMAIL US for info. The Raffle will take place in March. We’re looking for parents/caregivers to step up and be on our PTSA Board in 2023-24; please EMAIL US today if you’re interested. Thanks so much for your time! 

We need EVERY FAMILY TO contribute to our JAG FUND to help us reach our goal of $150,000 in support of our amazing public school. Another way you can support APG is to  become a PTSA Member, or shop at any SF Sloat Garden Center from 2/3-2/12 to help our school garden. Thank you to all who’ve donated or joined our PTSA ~ your support means the world to our students and staff! 

Don’t miss our regular updates on our WEBSITE, INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK .