Invest in your student’s educational environment and participate in fun social events at school or outside of school this year to help our wonderful APG school community shine! Every person makes a difference in the success of our students at APG!
PTSA Board/Member Help—Please reach out to if you are interested in volunteering for any Board positions, school support, or leading events at our wonderful middle school. We could use YOUR help this school year. Job sharing is welcome and you will have support from all of our Board members as you work together in a committee or as event leads to support our students & staff at APG. Thank you!
Monthly Staff Breakfasts: Visit to sign up to bring food and coffee for our amazing APG staff during our monthly breakfasts at in our school garden. This year, our breakfasts take place on 8/30, 10/4, 11/8, 12/6, 1/8, 2/5, 3/12, 4/10, and 5/8. Thank you for making our staff feel appreciated.
School Tours: Visit this LINK to volunteer at any of our four school tours in 2024-25.

Garden Help:
We’d love parent/guardian helpers for our garden workdays, chicken care, and more!
Teacher Ansel needs help growing and maintaining our APG Garden. Ansel would like help with LUNCHTIME support/garden club, on weekend Garden Workdays, and help with our four chickens. Email Ansel today!
Note: When volunteering at school, please remember to sign in at the security desk at the main entrance by the stairs/ramp and then head to the area of school where you’re helping. Thanks!
Questions or comments? Contact the PTSA at
Thanks for your help as a volunteer!