APG PTSA Insider Newsletter – May 9th, 2019
In this Newsletter:
Next Coffee Chat: May 30th at 8:45
Teacher appreciation week and gratitude!
Next Coffee Chat: May 30th at 8:45
Everyone is welcome. Last chance for this school year! See flyers attached.
From Ms. Kasey:
“Thanks so much to those of you who helped at our last volunteer work day. It was amazing having so many people come out to pitch in! I have a few final asks of you as we wrap up the school year”
1.) Any parents interested in stepping in to serve as the PTA liaison to the garden? This is going to be especially important next year as there will be a new garden coordinator who might need some additional support connecting with the community. This person helps to make sure the garden coordinator is supported, as well as fulfilling his/her hours and commitments.
2.) Can you donate supplies for the 6th grade end of the year garden pizza party?! We need TONS of mozzarella cheese, flour, pizza sauce, and firewood.
-6 boxes of firewood (I usually buy the large boxes at Safeway, which might be 20 lbs)
-120 pounds of flour (all purpose/bread flour/ and/or whole wheat flour is OK!)
-Gluten free pizzas (4)
-Pizza Sauce/marinara sauce
-Mozzarella cheese
-Dry-activated yeast (1 large container from Costco should be good!)
We will start accepting donations whenever you can bring them! There is a refrigerator we can put the cheese in. The parties will be on Monday, June 3rd and Tuesday, June 4th in the afternoon. Send your students in with supplies if that is easiest!
3.) Can you help make pizza/manage the line/pass out pizzas on either afternoon of June 3rd or 4th in the garden? 1:30-3:30pm
Attached you will find some recipes we have been making in the garden this spring. Please feel free to use them to cook up some fresh dishes at home!
Teacher appreciation week and gratitude!
Thanks to all the families who contributed food for this amazing breakfast spread for Teacher Appreciation Week. The teachers are happy!
Please see the attached picture for the spread!
Quick Links
Check out the new sleek and handy PTSA website: https://apgsf.com/.
Follow this link: smile.amazon.com and chose AP Giannini Middle PTA as your supporting cause when shopping on Amazon. At no cost to you!
All volunteer opportunities at APG can be found here
We want you to join the APG PTSA. Click here!
Join our Google group – Learn about school- and student-related info and issues.
PTSA google calendar – Subscribe by copying this link into your favorite internet calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/gianninipta%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics