Hello, Jaguars! Thank you for reading our weekly school bulletin to stay updated about what’s happening at AP Giannini. This week, our focus is on getting more VOLUNTEERS to help out. Please click on the Bulletin link for more details about how YOU can support our school, Beacon program, PTSA events, and Athletics teams. Also, Covid19 antigen test kids are being distributed in Advisory on Thursday 9.1 and Friday 9.2; each student will get TWO test kits (four tests, total) and we’re asking students to please test themselves before coming back to school on 9/6. Thanks!
9/1: Basketball Teams Info Meeting
9/2: Staff Breakfast (*still need 2 items, Sign-Up HERE)
9/5: Labor Day Holiday, No School
9/2- 9/11: Growing up Green Fundraiser for our Garden, Sloat Garden Center
9/7: PTSA General Meeting, all are welcome (Zoom)
9/8: SSC & ELAC Nomination Form Due
9/15: Back to School Night
9/17: 6th & 7th Grade Picnics (need Chairs)
9/18: Garden Workday
9/24: 8th Grade Picnic (need Chairs)
* APG Staff Wishlists: Click Here to support a classroom
* Every Wednesday is Early Dismissal at 2:15pm
Thanks very much and have a great long weekend! School will be closed on Monday 9/5…see you back on Tuesday 9/6.