APG PTSA Insider Newsletter – May 30th 2019
In this Newsletter:
🎉 Meet our new PTSA board- Welcome and Thank You!🎈
🚸 End of year volunteers needed
🎉 Meet our new PTSA board- Welcome and Thank You!🎈
President – Heidi Smoot
Executive VP – TBD
V.P. Membership – Sonia Mirza
Treasurer – Liliian Lim
Secretary – Telli Robinson-Judge
Historian – Carrie Hadler
Parliamentarian – Beth Gregory
Fundraising Chair – Rachel Peterson
Volunteer Coordinator – Tom Loftus
Gear Co-chair – Winnie Ng
Gear Co-chair – Mary Li
Auditor – Mark Farina
Passive Giving Coordinator – Karina Reese
Parent-teacher Liaison – Tina Yun
Garden Coordinator – Margaret Burch
School Tours – Monica Donovan
Hospitality Coordinator – Emma Smith
Communications Chair/Enews – Jennifer Teu
Social Media/Calendars – Diana Schneider
Fliers/Website – Adrienne Klopf
Teacher Liaison – Paul Ferraris
Teacher Liaison – Vicente Patino
Thanks for volunteering for next school year *2019-2020* Lots of exciting things on the horizon at AP!
🚸 End of year volunteers needed
👩🎓 The 8th Grade Graduation is MONDAY, JUNE 3rd, and 6th and 7th grade parents are asked to help with crowd control and ticket-taking. The event is at Lincoln High, and if you are available during the early afternoon, please signup here:
🍃 And finally, a stunning garden creates some majestically dir-tee Garden Laundry. If you can pickup the gloves and towels on Tuesday, June 4th, and get them back to school by Wednesday, June 5th, please signup here:
🐌 Ms Kasey also needs donation for the 6th grade end of the year garden pizza party?!🍕 We need TONS of mozzarella cheese, flour, pizza sauce, and firewood.
-6 boxes of firewood (I usually buy the large boxes at Safeway, which might be 20 lbs)
-120 pounds of flour (all purpose/bread flour/ and/or whole wheat flour is OK!)
-Gluten free pizzas (4)
-Pizza Sauce/marinara sauce
-Mozzarella cheese
-Dry-activated yeast (1 large container from Costco should be good!)
Can you help make pizza/manage the line/pass out pizzas on either afternoon of June 3rd or 4th in the garden? 1:30-3:30pm
We will start accepting donations whenever you can bring them! There is a refrigerator we can put the cheese in. The parties will be on Monday, June 3rd and Tuesday, June 4th in the afternoon. Send your students in with supplies if that is easiest!
🙏 Gratitude
Tom Loftus for recruiting volunteers for all our PTSA and school events and Shamma Din for running all our school tours.
Carol Bauss and the hospitality team for staffing and arranging food for so many student & teacher appreciation events, coffee chats, and more.
Paul Ferraris and Vicente Patino for keeping us connected with our teachers, Kim Freudenberg for helping us give money to our teachers, Mark Farina for keeping track of our money, Alisa Rafter for keeping track of our decisions, Sonia Mirza for keeping track of our members, and Beth Gregory for keeping track of our rules.
Diana Schneider, Krista Boscoe, and of course Cherry Tam for leading our fundraising efforts in support of programs and activities for the entire school, in addition to everything else they do.
Carrie Hadler for helping our garden grow, and Mary Li and Winnie Ng for finding spirit gear for our growing students.
The PTSA communications team for keeping the APG community informed via this weekly newsletter (thanks for always being on top of things, Isabelle Nadeau), the website, bulletin boards, and other graphics and posters (so glad you’ll be back next year, Adrienne Klopf), and our Facebook page (we’ll miss your wit, Matt Rozen).
Heidi Smoot for literally everything, and Tai Schoeman for serving as our school’s fearless leader.
And let’s not forget our president Jennifeur Teu for all her hard work!
This has been a great year. Next year will be even better!
🔗Quick Links
Check out the new sleek and handy PTSA website: https://apgsf.com/.
Follow this link: smile.amazon.com and chose AP Giannini Middle PTA as your supporting cause when shopping on Amazon. At no cost to you!
All volunteer opportunities at APG can be found here
We want you to join the APG PTSA. Click here!
Join our Google group – Learn about school- and student-related info and issues.
PTSA google calendar – Subscribe by copying this link into your favorite internet calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/gianninipta%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics