11/01/23 Bulletin

Hello APG Community – 

Please read this week’s School Bulletin for important APG updates. We still need donations for the monthly breakfast this Friday 11/3 for our incredible APG staff. Please sign up here. And all are welcome at our Garden Work Day this Saturday 11/4 from 9am–2pm. RSVP here. Have a great week! 


11/2:  Intermediate & Advanced Drama Plays, Thursday 11/2, 6pm and 7pm  (TICKETS)

11/3:  Staff Appreciation Breakfast (WE STILL NEED MORE FOOD DONATIONS!) 

11/4:  Garden Workday, 9am-2pm – Drop In, All Welcome  (RSVP)

11/6:  Boys & Girls Volleyball Info Meeting, 4pm, Library

11/8:  High School Info Night, 5:30-6:30pm in APG Auditorium  (RSVP)

11/8:  PTSA General Meeting, 6:30-7:30pm – All Welcome (ZOOM LINK – ID:  819 3282 4094,  Pwd: 249815)

11/9: Bell schedule change (ADJUSTED BELL SCHEDULE)

11/9:  APG Prospective Student Tour, 9:30-11:15am  (VOLUNTEER)

11/10: Veterans Day. No school

11/13 – 11/17: Parent/Teacher Conference Week; early dismissal at 2:15pm every day [see bell schedule]

11/15: Mixology Fundraiser @ The Dubliner (RSVP)

11/20 – 11/24:  Fall Break, No School

Thru 11/26:  Order Take-Out from Lazy Susan Restaurant and support APG